(801) 227-0707

Bookkeeping — Just $25 Your First Month

Accurate, Timely Financial Information

Please make sure to leave your name and a email or phone number we can contact you from.

5 + 15 =

Providing you with accurate, timely financial information is our chief concern in the Bookkeeping Department of Hoffman and Company. We do our best to accommodate your unique situation, with a variety of methods available for communication of necessary information. We can work through online access, remote access, cloud technology, use of storage drives, or good old-fashioned paper copies.

Our monthly services can include the following:

  • Financial statements including Income Statement
    (showing Receivable monthly and year-to-date figures),
    Balance Sheet, and General Ledger detail.
    Job costing can be included.
  • Creation and filing of sales tax returns
  • Bank and credit card reconciliation
  • Accounts payable via electronic payments
  • Billing and invoicing of customers, with reporting of Accounts

In addition, we provide consulting and advice as needed. We can assist
with QuickBooks setup and training. Clients are welcome to call and ask
questions at any time.